Oil and Gas Well Pad Design
We work with many clients to provide surveying, civil, mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering as well as process and controls, construction administration and environmental services for well pad design. Projects typically include all facets of design, from conceptual planning through final design/construction of new access roads, drill pads, production pads, and sediment/erosion control measures. Prior to design, we provide a topographical survey of the proposed site which includes the location of applicable existing utility structures, and utility details of all water, sewer, gas, power and communication lines.
- Location: Various locations throughout West Virginia and Ohio
- Type: New Construction
- Size: Varied depending on site
- Contractor: Varied depending on site
Project Services
- Civil Engineering
- Construction Administration
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Process Engineering
- Project Management
- Surveying
Our Process
Pickering Associates has a broad spectrum of experience with multiple drilling companies developing sites throughout the area.
Pickering Associates provides design for storm-water drainage, grading, roadway alignment, sediment and erosion control measures, and temporary traffic control (if required). Additionally, Pickering performs all necessary calculations to ensure a successful project and gain acceptance for construction. These calculations include slope stability modeling, stormwater channel/conveyance sizing, drill pad containment system sizing to accommodate prescribed rainfall events, emergency release conveyance mapping, and additional stabilization measures.
Pickering Associates also provides contract administration for oil and gas projects. This includes a final assembly of the project drawings and specifications, preparation of pre-bid agendas, providing responses to Request for Information (RFIs), and leading Pre-Construction meetings between contractors and clients, during the bidding process.
During the construction phase of the project, Pickering Associates provides on-site construction administration to assist clients with progress documentation and drawing/specification adherence. Pickering has previously assisted clients by attending/leading regularly scheduled progress meetings, reviewing and approving Applications for Payment, initiating and reviewing necessary Change Order documentation, performing routine site inspections, and reviewing other construction-related reports, such as gradations and compaction reports.
Once construction is considered to be in compliance, a construction certification letter of the drilling pad and access road is created and submitted to the governing authorities.