Dave Reynolds has been a part of the Pickering Family for the last 14 years. Starting with the company in 2004, Dave has moved up to where he is today as a Senior Project Manager in the Mechanical Engineering Department. However, this is not where his story began. Dave graduated from West Virginia Tech, and from there worked at several different engineering firms, such as Apex and CDI Engineering. “I actually found the job here at Pickering through my wife’s friend’s brother, who worked here at that time,” commented Mr. Reynolds.

Outside of work Mr. Reynolds enjoys outdoor activities such as playing golf, and hunting when he gets a chance. Dave also likes to spend his time giving back to the community, he has worked with Firefly, a nonprofit that supports cancer patients throughout the Mid- Ohio Valley. Dave was also highly involved in the the Jaycees, and served as the President of the group for several years. The Jaycees are a junior chamber of commerce group, that works towards growing and expanding opportunities thoughout the Mid-Ohio Valley Community through various service projects. He has since moved on from that role, but still keeps in touch with the group from time to time.