Armstrong Hardwood Flooring Plant - Beverly, WV


We labor to make possible the pursuit of productive work, learning, wellness and joy.

Our engineering services provide solutions across a variety of disciplines and industries. With licensed engineers in structural, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, our team can seamlessly execute your unique company vision.

Constant in-house collaboration between our architects and engineers as well as cutting-edge technology delivers a smooth process that eliminates future problems and uncovers precise solutions for your project.

Our engineers have a passion for solving problems and building spaces that preserve the environment and support company efficiency.

Professional Engineers in Ohio and West Virginia

Pickering Associates provides efficient, thorough leadership and management services during every phase of the project with engineers in Ohio and West Virginia locations. Our staff is licensed professionally in multiple states and is experienced with local building codes and standards for West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and more.

It is our goal to help every client transform a dream into a physical, functional reality regardless of the project size.

Explore our Projects

Our Cutting Edge-Technology:

  • Identifies and eliminates problems before they occur
  • Allows client visualization and precise approval
  • Provides analysis of various concepts (energy, light, space, etc)
  • Reduces project cost and construction schedules
  • Identifies existing problems and solutions otherwise not recognized

Our Engineering Services:

  • Process Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering