Jeremy Hobson is a newer member of the Pickering Family! He has been with our Fairmont office for a little over a year now. He came to work with us in January of 2018 as an Architectural designer, but his journey to Pickering is one of a unique story. Unlike many people at Pickering Associates, Jeremy followed in his father’s footsteps and started his career in carpentry. He knew early on that was not the career for him. “An Architect in New York, named Hector Muñoz-Baras asked to take me under his wing and teach me everything he knew. I jumped at the opportunity, and we ended up working together for four years,”, Jeremy commented. From New York, Jeremy moved back home to West Virginia with his soon to be wife, Shania, and closer to family. “It was then I meet Pam,” Jeremy mentioned, “At a local firm in Fairmont. We have been working together for 13 years now, and I must say, I wouldn’t have changed a thing throughout the course of my decisions.”

Outside of the office, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his family. He has twin boys that are nine years old. “They keep me busy with sports, homework, video games and outdoor adventures,“ Jeremy commented. He also enjoys riding his motorbike with Dad and friends. “Don’t drink and drive kids and watch out for motorcycles!” More recently, Jeremy has started volunteering on the Main Street Fairmont Design Board and is working closely with them to develop crosswalk designs and a proposal for a new courtyard in the downtown area.

When asked what his favorite part about working for Pickering was he commented, “Knowing that you work for good people goes a long way. I’m kind of on the outside looking in, but it seems everyone respects and gets along with one another. You can’t say that about many companies.”

It’s good people like Jeremy that help make the workday go fast. Thank you, Jeremy, for all of your hard work and dedication to the company, we look forward to the many things you’ll accomplish here at Pickering Associates!