Have you ever had a passion, one you wished you could pursue but never have had an opportunity to do so? At Pickering Associates we believe in our employees pursuing their passions and exploring new areas that life has to offer. Tyler Eppley, a Civil Engineer at Pickering Associates has been able to expand and follow his passion of CrossFit training. CrossFit is a workout regimen based on various areas of exercise such as gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and so much more. This can be an intense workout and truly challenges individuals to push the boundaries of fitness. Tyler Eppley commented, “Sports and physical training have been a passion of mine for most of my life. I have performed the CrossFit methodology for nearly four years now.” In Marietta, OH a new CrossFit facility is being placed in the MOVement Fitness and Rec Center, where there will be three coaches, including Tyler, managing and running the program. When asked what his hopes were moving forward with the program Tyler replied, “To help influence and inspire people. Also to build a community that looks to better themselves in all aspects of life. As the CrossFit motto states, ’Stronger. Together.’” Pickering Associates would like to wish Tyler best of luck as he continues to pursue and explore this passion in his life. Find out more about the MOVement Fitness and Rec Center facility at http://www.mariettatimes.com/news/2018/04/fitness-center-shaping-up-in-former-store/.