Applying for the summer electrical engineering internship at Pickering Associates was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my future career. When most people think of an internship, they think of working in an office filing papers, making copies, or other mundane tasks, but that isn’t how Pickering thinks of an internship. From day one I was working with the electrical engineer on work site visits, drafting, and other design decision-making usually left to the professionals. Over the course of the summer I worked on about fifteen different projects for Pickering, and not just on the sidelines. They even had me working on a project mostly by myself! However, my favorite part wasn’t the work; it was the welcoming family environment kept by all of my coworkers. The family atmosphere made it extremely easy for me to adapt to the professional work environment, and stay on top of all the projects. There wasn’t a single person I didn’t get along with, and I never had to be afraid to ask anyone for help.

One big thing that really impressed me about Pickering was how involved the CEO, President, and Vice-President are with the company. It’s not every day the President of your work comes down to your office just to have a chat, or the CEO personally takes you out to visit a project site. Again, this is the excellent family environment within the company, where everybody’s opinions and concerns matter.

Working at Pickering Associates gave me experience and knowledge necessary for me to pursue a career in my field with confidence. I learned more this summer than I ever have in the same period anywhere else, and I look forward to furthering that knowledge in the future. I loved working with the Pickering family this summer, and I hope I’ll get the opportunity to work with them again when I graduate! I can’t thank them enough for the wonderful summer I had!


~ Mason Greathouse