Pickering closed out the school year with Hamilton Middle School at the Partners in Education 4th Annual Rain Gutter Regatta. The Rain Gutter Regatta is an activity that Pickering performs with the 7th grade class. It was a great day where the kids got to learn not only about the environment and recycling, but they also were able to design and build a boat using recycled newspaper, bottles, straws, and cardboard. The objective being to create a boat that not only could float and sail successfully in the water, but also maintain racing throughout the day. Each round a winner was proclaimed, and at the end of the day a championship round was held where the kids could race best of three against one another.  During the Championship round the entire 7th grade class was invited to come back outside and watch their classmates perform in the final race. Pickering also provided Steak and Shake gift cards to the group of students who placed first in the tournament. This year the “The Veggie Tales” team was named the 4th annual Regatta champions. Though it may have seemed like just a fun day out of the classroom, it truly was a learning experience for the students at Hamilton Middle School. The kids were able to apply the knowledge that they have learned in classroom and make it a reality this is what being a Partner in Education is all about! Thank you to our team at Pickering, Abby Wright and Jesse Daubert, for donating their time and knowledge to this project. We look forward to participating again next school year!