Architect, Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer bring experience, additional enthusiasm to firm

Pickering Associates is proud to announce the hiring of four new professionals, architect Christopher Algmin, Civil Engineer John Bentz, Electrical Engineer Donald Kinder, and Mechanical Engineer Adam Paff, into the company. These men bring impressive resumes and experience to the company.

Christopher Algmin is a licensed architect in the state of Illinois and is both National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) and Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certified. He has experience in corporate office, institutional, industrial, residential, medical, and recreational projects.

John Bentz graduated from Ohio University in June 2011 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Certificate in Construction Engineering and Management. Bentz is currently seeking his Master of Science in Civil Engineering Degree with specialization in Water Resource Engineering focusing strongly on Environmental Engineering.

Adam Paff is a mechanical engineer and EIT. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from West Virginia University and had experience in the mechanical, commercial and industrial fields.

Donald Kinder is an electrical engineer and pursuing his FE with a test date set for October. Kinder holds an Associate’s Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from Bridgemont Community and Technical College and a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering Technology from West Virginia University Institute of Technology.

“We’re excited to have four new professionals join our team,” say Traci Stotts, Vice President of Marketing at Pickering Associates. “This is an exciting time for us. Our company is growing, and so is our community. The addition of Christopher Algmin, Donald Kinder, Adam Paff and John Bentz means we will be able to serve better our clientele and capture some new opportunities, too. We’re excited to see how the community receives them and what new and innovative ideas they bring to Pickering Associates and the Mid-Ohio Valley.”