At Pickering Associates, we understand the importance of giving back to our community.  Whether it’s helping local food pantries with our CANsturction campaign, teaming with our Partner in Education (Hamilton Middle School), or showing kids that they can make a difference when it comes to energy consumption and sustainability, Pickering Associates’ professionals are proud to do whatever we can to make a difference.

Nick Arnold, an Architectural and 3D Designer at Pickering Associates, recently spent time with the Williamstown Public Library Summer Reading Program students and spoke with them about sustainability.  Nick also encouraged the students to get involved in assisting Pickering Associates with our mission of providing solar power to health clinics in Bong County, Liberia.  By the end of the summer, the students had raised over $100 to donate to the solar initiative.  Not only did he inspire the students to make a difference in their lives (and the lives of the men, women and children in Liberia), Nick also showed the students how to make a solar powered ‘S’more Oven’ using only a pizza box, aluminum foil and clinging plastic wrap.

Pickering Associates is a company founded and built in the Mid-Ohio Valley.  We do business here, live here, raise our families here, worship here and work to see that our community is always moving forward and thriving. We’re proud to have Nick, and so many other dedicated professionals, on our team!


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