A busy 2013 has turned into more active 2014 for the professionals of Pickering Associates.  The company just acquired a 3D printer and is now offering clients access to the impressive technology.  3D printing technology has been around since the 1980’s but didn’t start to see its real market hold until recently.  The new technology will help Pickering Associates’ clients gain an entirely new perspective on their projects.

“The acquisition of our new 3D printer will allow us to model new buildings, processes and components on a whole new level,” explains Pickering Associates CEO, Chip Pickering.   “It will allow our clients to be able to envision their process layout and components easily in a way that has not been available in our region in decades.”

Pickering Associates clients will be able to utilize their 3D models in a number of ways; the advantages of 3D printing are endless.  “By integrating our surveying staff with the new 3D modeling processes we can layout and visualize buildings and equipment that could not be reasonably modeled in the past,” Pickering continues.

The new printing technology will streamline communication and cooperation between the company and clients.  Now, instead of computer documents working to illustrate the concept, clients will be able to hold and evaluate a scale model of their project.  The model will make feedback more efficient and leave less room for misinterpretation.

Additionally, clients will be able to show models to key stakeholders helping everyone involved in the project gain a more sound understanding of its complexity.  Clients will also be able to utilize the model for fundraising purposes and give donors a new perspective on ‘the finished product.’

“We’re incredibly excited to offer this new resource to our clients,” explains Pickering Associates President, Ryan Taylor.  “3D printing is an excellent tool of communication and we’re thrilled to be able to be on the front lines of bringing this technology to our clients and our community, at large.”

Pickering Associates is a well-aligned team of professional architects, engineers and surveyors with a diverse depth and breadth of knowledge.  Established in 1988, Pickering Associates was founded as an engineering firm that has developed into an integrated architecture, engineering and surveying company providing services in education, government, healthcare, industrial, oil & gas and private sector clients.