Williamstown Bank


Williamstown Bank Pickering Associates recently completed the design for the renovation of Williamtown Bank’s location on East Seventh Street in Parkersburg, WV. The renovated building includes a new entrance, a waiting area with coffee bar, a larger teller and work area, a cash room, a new ADA compliant restroom, storage, and four new [...]

WVUP Downtown Center


WVUP Downtown Center Pickering Associates assisted West Virginia University with the phased renovations of their new Downtown Center. The building is a 1930s era utilitarian commercial property in the heart of Downtown Parkersburg. Each phase was performed as the university received the grants and funding required. The first phase of design entailed the [...]

Marietta College Physician’s Assistant Program Building


Marietta College Physician’s Assistant Program Building Marietta College teamed up with Pickering Associates and Silverheels Construction after they purchased a local building formerly owned by the Moose Lodge with the intention of renovating it for use by their Physician’s Assistant Program. The existing building consisted of three floors, the first has approximately 16, [...]

Glenville Residence Hall


Glenville Residence Hall Glenville State College –Residence Hall Pickering Associates and the contracting firm BBL Carlton were hired by Glenville State College Housing Corporation to engage in a Design-Build contract to construct a multi-use building for combined administration and residential functions. This project serves as an example of our experience with Electrical Upgrades [...]

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