Pickering hosts the Society of Plastic Engineer’s Meeting

Pickering Associates has active members in the Society of Plastic Engineers, and was proud to host Mr. Thomas G. Stropoli, a Principal Investigator at DuPont Washington Works, this week at our Parkersburg Campus. Mr. Stropoli spoke to the group on "The Buss Kneader" - a single shaft compounder which both rotates and reciprocates.  This [...]

2018-10-23T15:20:19-05:00October 23rd, 2018|

Amber Park- Journey to being a Professional Landscape Architect

Amber Park has been a member of the Pickering Associates team since 2014. A 2008 graduate from West Virginia University in Landscaping Architecture, Amber has serviced our Civil Engineering Department as a designer. Amber bounced between various firms until coming to Pickering along with husband Dan Park who is also a Landscape Architect [...]

2018-10-02T10:45:35-05:00September 27th, 2018|

History of Surveying at Pickering Associates

As a Company, Pickering Associates values many things: community, clients, quality, and partnerships; but an area that Pickering values the most is its history. Owning and progressing from your roots is important in the Mid-Ohio Valley community and important to the work performed here at Pickering. Before the company offered surveying services, BHG Surveying was an independent surveying business [...]

2018-07-30T10:52:23-05:00July 30th, 2018|

Project Information Leadership Using BIM

Project success depends on the team’s ability to understand how best to manage project information and create effective project design deliverables. Design teams are faced with increasing complexity of project requirements and decreasing timeframes to achieve them. The industry has shifted focus from design, build, and as-built drawings to a better system of information management [...]

2018-06-29T09:24:03-05:00June 29th, 2018|

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